
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

คำศัพท์ที่มักเจอใน ข้อสอบ Gat / O-net (ต่อ)

8. Compliments
I’d like to compliment you on......
I just love / really like your...
That’s a very smart ......../ pretty .....
You look very nice. It suits you well.
How clever of you to...
How superb!
How magnificent!
Compliment Responders
Oh, thank you./thanks.
(How) kind of you to say that.
That’s very kind of you.
Do you really think so?
You’ve made my day.
Thanks, I needed that
I’m flattered.
Oh, I’m glad you think so
That’s nice to hear.
Oh, really! Thank you, you’re so sweet.
Thank you. I’m glad you like it.
Oh, I wouldn’t say that.
It’s nice of you to say so.
But it really isn’t anything special.
Yours is even nicer.
It’s nice to hear that from someone with your
It was nothing.
The real credit should go to........
I had very little to do with it.
It wasn’t difficult at all, really.....
But it’s not really all that good.
But anyone else could do it

9. Agreement and Disagreement

Correct/ Incorrect
- Correct
That’s right. Right
Okay Correct
Yes Exactly
- Incorrect
No, I’m afraid not
Not, quite.
You’re close
- Agree
I’ll say That’s for sure
You can say that again Over my dead body.
You said it. Right on!
Hear! Hear! You’re darn right.
I couldn’t agree more.
I can’t help thinking the same.
Definitely/ Precisely, my own view.
Dead right. / I bet you / You bet.
I’m in. / Count me in.
- Disagree
Are you kidding That’s ridiculous
Aw, come on! What!
Not true Down with …..
No way! Come on
Don’t give us that Get serious
What do you mean a ……..?
I couldn’t agree less.
Agree/Disagree (more politely way)
- Agree
That‘s true
That’s for sure
I agree with you there
Yeah, I know what you mean
- Disagree
Yes, but don’t you think ….
I agree with you, but …..
I don’t see it that way
Yeah, on the other hand
Reaction to Test Action
-Strong Agreement
Of course I would I certainly would
Most likely I would Sure I would
- Mild Agreement
Of course I would I certainly would
Most likely I would Sure I would
- Indecision
I don’t know I am not sure
I can’t decide I can’t make up my mind
I don’t know if I would or not
- Mild Disagreement
Probably not I don’t think so
I doubt it
-Strong Disagreement
No way Never (in a million years)
Not on one life Not even if you paid me
Not for all the money in the world

10. Accepting and Rejecting
I’m not surprised
That’s me
I knew it
I thought so
Right on!
That’s probably right
You’re kidding
I don’t believe it
No, definitely not
Are you pulling my leg?
Aw, come on!
That’s doesn’t fit
I don’t think so
I don’t think that’s fair

11. Permission
Asking for Permission
May / Could / can I.....?
I wonder if I can....
May I have a permission to...?
Would if be possible for me to ...?
Would it be okay with you if I ......ed?
Am I / Are people allowed to ....?
Is ...ing allowed / permitted here?
It is all right if I....?
Is it O.K. to ......?
Do they permit ......ing?
Could I possibly ....?
Will you let me....?
Giving Permission
Sure / Certainly / of course
By all means
Be my guest
Go ahead
It’s / line / all right / O.K. ... with me.
Would you mind if I....?
Would you object if I ....?
No. I wouldn’t / don’t
No, of course not / absolutely not / certainly not .No,
not at all
No, please do
Rejecting Permission
I don’t think / believe so.
I’m afraid not.
Not as for as I know.
I’d rather that you didn’t / not.
I’d prefer / you not to
I’d prefer it if you wouldn’t
I’d prefer that you not
No, you may not.
You’re not supposed to ... / shouldn’t / oughtn’t to
You mustn’t ... under any circumstances
I can’t do that with out an authorization
a go - ahead from....
the permission of...

